And now for something more exotic

Sri Lankan Airlines is the choice of my flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong. Got a great deal on the flight only £220 rtn in flat bed business class and 80 tier points.

Todays plane is a bit older. According to Google it is 17 years old and named “City of Pulasthi Pura” reg 4R-ALD.

Just board and here is my seat 2A
Comfortable enough for the 2hr flight.

I did not use the reclining features for this short flight, but my fellow passengers did. The noise of the chairs motors showed their age. Can’t imagine hearing that in the middle of the night.

Promptly after take off we were served lunch. I had a lovely Chicken Teryaki with rice accompanied with some Piper champagne, when offered you say: Yes!

The flight was good, with lovely service of the cabin crew, whom were all wearing saris with an exposed mid section. Traditional, but wonder how cold they get during the flight.

Verdict: would  fly again, maybe even on long-haul.


I flew back with Sri Lankan to Bangkok to spend 2 days in the chaotic city, that is really the only word I can use to describe Bangkok.

The return flight was operated by the exact same aircraft, and again the service was great and very attentive with again good food.  The flight attendants, again wearing their Saris were so kind to passengers whom did not speak English and could make a selection from the menu due to the language barrier.  To solve this, two flight attendants brought out the 4 options to show them.  First time I have seen that!


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